Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Spring is here.

I have always loved spring.  The freshness of the air and the wonderful blossoms and flowers that herald the start of a new season.
But this year the whole cycle of spring has been Topsy turvey.  We have had so  much rain that the plants and flowers think they are back in winter.
But in my garden the freesias have been magnificent. 

My trilliums are also flowering profusely, and the plants themselves are looking very healthy.
But it is the vegetable garden that has really shot ahead.  I currently have broad bean plants flowering, radishes poking through the ground, carrots poking their heads upwards and potatoes snuggled in their beds ready to burst into life.
Labour weekend is the time to plant tomatoes, and mine are sitting waiting under shelter for this to happen.  Lets hope the weather is kind to us and we can all get out in the garden over the long weekend.  Happy gardening.
And if the weather does turn out horrible then what a good excuse to stay inside snuggled up by the fire with a book, or at the computer writing.